Ji Aya Nu ! Sat Sri Akaal ! Asslam Valequm ! Namaste ! Punjab? Punjab - is a state of mind. You may live in any part of this earth but if your mother-tongue is Punjabi you are a Punjabi. Punjab is wherever a Punjabi lives! It has nothing to do with any religion or belief. Punjab is a geo-economic region with an ancient culture poisoned by religious bigots.
The nector of religious spirit becomes poison instantly when it is injected with hate, jealousy, complexity of superiority or inferiority or simple ignorance of other people. Punjab, today, is textbook case, where ignorance and absolutely ill-educated people have made it a blend of disharmony and intolerance.This Punjab has no future for sure.The future lies with Global Punjab...Just read on. Punjabi?You may have any nationality, any religion, any color, any profession, any trade, any belief, essentially you remain a Punjabi. Be proud of being a Punjabi.Global Punjab?Global Punjab has more than 150 million people worldwide with majority living in Pakistan and India and rest scattered over in Africa, Europe, Asia and North America.In Global Punjab - all are welcome. There are no biased restrictions nor any fundamentalist ideas about life.Punjabi culture is so ancient that having seen so many invasions, so many heavy mistakes and tragedies, Punjabis have become more global than any other community. Their globalness may not be very apparent at first, but inside every Punjabi is a global citizen, striving to make it in this life.We are attempting to unite all Punjabis and not dividing them by classes, castes, religions or nationalistic systems, which have been means to screw us up in last thousands of years. Enough of all that! That has only made us poorer, ignorant and a rural lot.PUNJABIS IDENTIFICATIONI bet that if PUNJABIS were together and not hurt each other, we would be today a nation of 150 million richest people of Asia. See how the homogenous cultures like Japanese, Koreans and Germans have performed. They also have different religious beliefs but they are not foolish like us. Sorry at least one Punjabi herewith is accepting the historical truth that we are a community which never learns from our mistakes but we keep making more and more of them thereby making us a poor lot.If we do not open our eyes we will remain as scattered and broken as we are without any identification. We are not going to achieve anything by making ourselves weaker by dividing further and hating each other but accept the fact that Punjab is a great nation with all colors, all beliefs and all sub-cultures. That day when we accept that fact, true progress will start. I guarantee you that ignorant politicians in Pakistan and India will learn this fact only after 10 more wars, after screwing our remaining resources, by killing atleast 5 million more Punjabis and then on the barren and NUKED lands, we will be playing cricket.I call upon all my friends to open up and give a wake up call to our ignorant friends. If you think i am crazy than you have no idea on the usefulness of history.Wiser people learn from their mistakes. Idiots keep doing them.Advantages of a Global PunjabBy being together, we can discuss our past, think about future, think about making money and thus prospering our community, helping budding business people, providing a network to great geniuses and talents of our community.We have seen how destructive and dangerous it is to divide a community and see it decline in Punjab in last many hundred years. CAN we learn something of past. Can we make it better? Yes we can. If you we are really ready we can. Punjabis have never attempted to think of all of us as a networked community as the walls created by our ancestors, who lived in tiny villages, were tall enough to breathe such impossible ideas. Let us work hard to educate our community leaders, our country legislatures and other educated lots that divided we are piece of a tiny dot on the map and together we are very powerful.Punjab of future?A progressive Punjabi, wherever he may live in whichever condition, is trying hard to survive the onslaught of extremists and bigots who impose their narrow-minded mentality in the name of past and history. We believe that Punjab's future is more important than past. And Punjabis can ONLY grow if we shed our idiotic divisions and foolish village mentality which has divided us so much that even among a sub-caste there are further divisions. That's nothing but a shame. Please do not hurt the majority of Punjabis living in Pakistan, India, UK and Americas - who just want to be better economically and socially.We appeal to all upwardly mobile Punjabis to join us and express ourselves as a global homogenous community with one voice and let us face the truth and learn from it. Our principle endeavor should be to learn and educate ourselves on how best to make use of the opportunities and make ourselves a strong community.We are in process of building up a user-friendly website for all PUNJABIS worldwide without any distinction and we invite your suggestions and ideas to add new features.
Punjabi Network? Network is building up but without you we are incomplete! Who we are. Join US! You have joined the network just by visiting here. We need your collaboration. Please review various features here and enrich us by making your comments, suggesting new sites, ideas on making our lives better, participating in various forums which we are providing free.Please also help us link the site wherever you can.
Posted on March 14 1993 upon launching of Punjabi.net site
The nector of religious spirit becomes poison instantly when it is injected with hate, jealousy, complexity of superiority or inferiority or simple ignorance of other people. Punjab, today, is textbook case, where ignorance and absolutely ill-educated people have made it a blend of disharmony and intolerance.This Punjab has no future for sure.The future lies with Global Punjab...Just read on. Punjabi?You may have any nationality, any religion, any color, any profession, any trade, any belief, essentially you remain a Punjabi. Be proud of being a Punjabi.Global Punjab?Global Punjab has more than 150 million people worldwide with majority living in Pakistan and India and rest scattered over in Africa, Europe, Asia and North America.In Global Punjab - all are welcome. There are no biased restrictions nor any fundamentalist ideas about life.Punjabi culture is so ancient that having seen so many invasions, so many heavy mistakes and tragedies, Punjabis have become more global than any other community. Their globalness may not be very apparent at first, but inside every Punjabi is a global citizen, striving to make it in this life.We are attempting to unite all Punjabis and not dividing them by classes, castes, religions or nationalistic systems, which have been means to screw us up in last thousands of years. Enough of all that! That has only made us poorer, ignorant and a rural lot.PUNJABIS IDENTIFICATIONI bet that if PUNJABIS were together and not hurt each other, we would be today a nation of 150 million richest people of Asia. See how the homogenous cultures like Japanese, Koreans and Germans have performed. They also have different religious beliefs but they are not foolish like us. Sorry at least one Punjabi herewith is accepting the historical truth that we are a community which never learns from our mistakes but we keep making more and more of them thereby making us a poor lot.If we do not open our eyes we will remain as scattered and broken as we are without any identification. We are not going to achieve anything by making ourselves weaker by dividing further and hating each other but accept the fact that Punjab is a great nation with all colors, all beliefs and all sub-cultures. That day when we accept that fact, true progress will start. I guarantee you that ignorant politicians in Pakistan and India will learn this fact only after 10 more wars, after screwing our remaining resources, by killing atleast 5 million more Punjabis and then on the barren and NUKED lands, we will be playing cricket.I call upon all my friends to open up and give a wake up call to our ignorant friends. If you think i am crazy than you have no idea on the usefulness of history.Wiser people learn from their mistakes. Idiots keep doing them.Advantages of a Global PunjabBy being together, we can discuss our past, think about future, think about making money and thus prospering our community, helping budding business people, providing a network to great geniuses and talents of our community.We have seen how destructive and dangerous it is to divide a community and see it decline in Punjab in last many hundred years. CAN we learn something of past. Can we make it better? Yes we can. If you we are really ready we can. Punjabis have never attempted to think of all of us as a networked community as the walls created by our ancestors, who lived in tiny villages, were tall enough to breathe such impossible ideas. Let us work hard to educate our community leaders, our country legislatures and other educated lots that divided we are piece of a tiny dot on the map and together we are very powerful.Punjab of future?A progressive Punjabi, wherever he may live in whichever condition, is trying hard to survive the onslaught of extremists and bigots who impose their narrow-minded mentality in the name of past and history. We believe that Punjab's future is more important than past. And Punjabis can ONLY grow if we shed our idiotic divisions and foolish village mentality which has divided us so much that even among a sub-caste there are further divisions. That's nothing but a shame. Please do not hurt the majority of Punjabis living in Pakistan, India, UK and Americas - who just want to be better economically and socially.We appeal to all upwardly mobile Punjabis to join us and express ourselves as a global homogenous community with one voice and let us face the truth and learn from it. Our principle endeavor should be to learn and educate ourselves on how best to make use of the opportunities and make ourselves a strong community.We are in process of building up a user-friendly website for all PUNJABIS worldwide without any distinction and we invite your suggestions and ideas to add new features.
Punjabi Network? Network is building up but without you we are incomplete! Who we are. Join US! You have joined the network just by visiting here. We need your collaboration. Please review various features here and enrich us by making your comments, suggesting new sites, ideas on making our lives better, participating in various forums which we are providing free.Please also help us link the site wherever you can.
Posted on March 14 1993 upon launching of Punjabi.net site